Nyisal Yangtse
Yangtse Monastery
Coordinates: 29°29’45.00” N, 83° 5’54.77” E, elevation 3900 meters.
The impressive monastery of Yangtse is located in the uppermost part of Dolpo, in the Panzang (Ban-tshang) valley, at a distance of only 12 kilometres to the Tibetan border. The monastic complex was errected near the village of Nyisal, on a levelled platform 120 metres above the river valley. A narrow path leads steeply up from the river to the Jangchup Gephel Gompa, 300 metres above Yangtse, where the relics of Jigmey Trogyal rinpoche are kept. From here, a steep path leads down through a gorge, and then up again, where you reach the monastery complex on its north side. According to Snellgrove the monastery of Yangtse (Yang-tsher) was founded by Religious Protector Glorious and Good (1476-1565). The earlier monastery of Margom located nearby, up on the cliffs above Nisal was founded by Merit Intellect (1456-1521), and obviously became too small for the growing community.
The total area of the Yangtse monastery – together with the temples, courtyards, adjoining buildings and rows of chörten, – measures 6600 square metres with a perimeter along the enclosing wall of 410 metres. The ensemble consists of three temples and a great number of chörten. Some are located near the temples, but most of them stand on the southern and eastern side of the temples, for example an impressive row of nine large chörten with a prayer wall in front flank the southern side. Between the southern chörten row and the building complex lies a stony field structured with rows of mani-walls, which are oriented in east-western direction, occupying the central area of the compound. The entrance to the walled area is located on the eastern side, where a door-chörten gives access to the first courtyard. Another door lies on the south side of the surrounding wall. On the west side of this longitudinal courtyard is the entrance to an older courtyard, which give access to the three temples and the residental building.
References: Snellgrove, David. Himalayan Pilgrimage. A study of Tibetan religion by a traveller through Western Nepal. Oxford 1961: 85-92, 130, 138. Snellgrove, David. Four Lamas of Dolpo: Autobiographies of Four Tibetan Lamas (15th–18th Centuries). Volume I, Oxford 1967, Volume I, Oxford 1967: 2, 3, 11, 14-15.
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